Advocacy Purpose

The mission of ASDSA is to speak in a unified voice to promote, protect and advance surgical and cosmetic dermatology through education and advocacy.  As a dermatologic surgeon, YOU are uniquely qualified to advocate for patient safety and the field of dermatologic surgery. ASDSA provides members with resources, tools and information and offers a variety of ways to get involved in important advocacy efforts.

What Are Our Advocacy Priorities?

  • Learn about our Position Statements including statements on Delegation and Truth in Advertising. These statements help underpin the need for patient safety in our field, and highlight board certified dermatologists, onsite supervision by physcians and our work to keep the physician as the head of the health care team.
  • Three ASDSA-created pieces of model legislation help bring our policy visions to the states. Whether adopted in whole or part, or even utilized in the regulatory arena, they are tangible ways members can impact state policy: