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Skin tones come in a variety of shades. Ethnic backgrounds can influence the color of skin from African Americans, Asians, Hispanics or Latinos, Native Indians and Pacific and all other beautiful shades in between. Expertise is needed when treating differences in skin tones based on the amount of pigment and melanin. ASDS members are the TRUE experts trained in treating the health and beauty of all skin tones - beautiful and healthy skin is for all! 

True Skin Experts Instagram Live: "Treatments for Skin of Color" With Drs. Drs. DiAnne Davis and Noëlle Sherber

Skin of Color

From skin cancer to cosmetic treatments, treating skin of color takes medical training to appropriately recommend treatments that will work for your specific skin tone. ASDS members are board certified dermatologists who have the medical training to ensure quality patient care and optimal results.



Self Examination

Anyone can get skin cancer no matter the color of their skin. Many people do not realize that people of color are also at risk for skin cancer. When skin cancer is diagnosed in skin of color, it is often more advanced, tends to be worse outcomes and is more likely fatal.

Doing your own monthly skin exams can detect anything suspicious early on. Early detection leads to the best outcomes.


Pigmented Lesion Treatment

There are many treatments that can help skin pigmentation. People of color are commonly affected by lentigines and freckles, Nevus of Ota and Hori's Macules and dermatosis papulosa nigra. Schedule a treatment with your dermatologist that is right for you.

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Laser and Light Therapy

There is a myth that skin of color patients cannot receive some of the leading cosmetic treatments due to their skin pigment. The key is seeing an board certified dermatologists who is specifically trained to treat skin of color. There are differences that a medically trained physician will know to ensure an optimal outcome.

Patients with darker skin should be aware of lasers due to the types of lights that are used to treat vascular lesions and are absorbed by the melanin in darker skin. This may cause reactions to the skin such as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, edema and erythema.  

Chemical peels are skin treatments used to correct skin problems ranging  from acne to discoloration and it can be very effective treatments when performed by dermatologists who understand how to treat skin of color.


DiAnne Davis, MD, shares how she uses lasers securely and successfully on individuals with skin of color to treat injuries, uneven skin tone and generally restoration.