Acne Treatments

Used individually or in combination, depending on the nature and severity of the acne scars, the following treatments can help restore a smooth appearance to even a badly disfigured face:

The bottom line is that there are safe, effective treatments for acne scarring. Patients who have suffered with acne through their teenage years and beyond no longer need to live with acne scars.

- Lasers

Several laser systems are used to combat and resurface acne scars. Two used most often are the Erbium: YAG laser, which is excellent for very precise sculpting; and the CO2 laser, which tightens collagen below the skin to repair deeper scars.

Lifestyle factors

More than sun exposure, smoking causes wrinkles at an early stage for smokers compared to non-smokers. Smoking causes changes in the composition of the skin, causing premature ageing. Based on scientific studies, the skin loses its elasticity and acquires small red lines due to the dilation of blood vessels. The more you smoke, the more your skin ages.

Serious damage cannot truly be undone without surgical options, but rapid improvement in many problems can be seen relatively quickly once smoking has been ceased.

Consult your local dermatologic surgeon for options to counteract any serious damage.