Non-invasive Procedures for Excess Fat 

There are several non-invasive options for excess fat removal, including:

  • Zerona Laser: emits cold laser energy into body tissues that are absorbed by fat cells, which then are broken down and absorbed into the body. The procedure has been approved by the FDA.
  • Ultrasound: uses high-intensity, focused sound waves to disrupt fat cells, causing them to dissolve gradually over time.
  • Radiofrequency: delivers controlled energy to excess fat areas, creating heat deep within fat cells and subsequently destroying them. Radiofrequency therapy for excess fat removal has not yet been approved by the FDA.

Possible Risks

  • Redness in treated area lasting no more than a few hours.
  • Localized bruising that usually clears within a few hours

Why Choose Non-invasive Procedures for Excess Fat?

Ideal candidates are relatively fit but have some stubborn body fat that cannot be easily reduced by diet or exercise. In addition to fat removal, radiofrequency therapy can be used to tighten the skin by targeting collagen with energy. Other benefits include:

  • Minimal recovery time
  • Non-invasive
  • Minimal pain

What to Expect After the Procedure

  • Non-invasive procedures to remove excess fat involve minimal recovery time; patients can resume their normal activities the same day.
  • Non-invasive therapies typically require multiple treatment sessions.
  • Patients will observe a visible decrease in fat bulges in two to four months.

How to Prepare Before the Procedure

Before the procedure, and ASDS dermatologist will review the patient's medical history. This is the time for the doctor and patient to discuss expectation, potential risks and outcomes of the procedure. Patients should understand that there are not yet any long-term studies on these procedures and that there is no guarantee regarding their effectiveness.