Blepharoplasty for Droopy Eyelids

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that can restore a youthful appearance to the eye area. The upper and lower eyelids are lifted and loose or excess skin and fat tissue are removed from the eye area.

What to Expect After the Procedure

  • Post-operative effects are minimal and temporary.
  • Stitches are usually removed after five days.
  • Minor swelling, bruising and discomfort should disappear within two weeks. Cold compresses help alleviate these side effects.

How to Prepare for the Procedure

Before the procedures, an ASDS dermatologist wil review the patients medical history and outcomes of the procedure. The doctor also will test the patient's vision and his or her ability to produce tears. Prior to the procedure, patients should:

  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid medications, food and beverages indicated by the doctor.
  • Arrange for transportation home following the procedure.

Possible Risks

  • A "too tight" or uneven appearance can be caused by the removal of too much skin or uneven amounts of fat. Additional surgeries can usually reverse this problem.
  • On very rare occasions, bleeding can occur in the socket.

Why choose blepharoplasty for droopy eyelids?

Blepharoplasty is limited to the eyelids and may be combined with methods to improve other areas of the face. There are several approaches:

  • One method removes excess skin from either the upper or lower lid as well as the underlying fat pad when indicated. The surgeon makes an incision along the crease in the eyelid, peels back the skin and punctures the underlying tissue to remove the fat pad. The pad is then cauterized. Loose skin is removed from the exterior, if necessary, and the incision is sutured. The procedure takes about two hours and can be performed with local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.
  • A second method benefits patients with protruding fat and dark circles under the eye but not too much extra skin. The surgeon makes incisions just inside the lining of the lower eyelids. This approach eliminates the visible scar but does not remove excess skin.
  • The newest method of blepharoplasty uses a laser. Its intense energy causes blood to coagulate, which may diminish bleeding and swelling during and after the operation. This method can tighten skin and improve wrinkles under the eye.